Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Lesson 7: eBay Submission

Do you know who is the world's #1 auction site... ???

The answer is..... (drum roll)

Good... what comes to your mind when you heard of eBay?

Buy and sell for bargain stuff, auction... everyone knows, and i m sure you will have 9 out 10 of your friends know about this site.

I say eBay has good reputation to generate tons of traffic everyday... I m sure you have no objection, right!!! Besides visitors to eBay, eBay also receives tons of posting onto its website daily.

Now, think about it, if you are search engine, your job is to look for information. If eBay generates tons of new information daily, would you go crawling into eBay?

I am sure your answer is a definite yes... aren't you?

If you want to invite search engine robot to your site, you can make use of eBay. Do a posting onto eBay, include your website into your posting. You are planting a trap to invite the search engine robot to your site.

Do you see the picture now. Do a new posting a day, include your website URL somewhere in the posting and submit to eBay. You are planting the trap to invite search engine robot to your site everyday.

Haha... do you see the picture now???

eBay is one good back door for you. Do not miss this golden opportunity.

Hint for you: Include your website keywords into the eBay posting to increase the relevancy.

If you have a store, you should post it to eBay too... that will attract visitors to your sites... ;-)

I wish you success...

DualFishNews http://www.learnfromgurus.com


Lesson 6: Search Engine Submission

You want search engine to see you...

First step... submit to search engine, invite search engine robot to visit your site...

I will give you a lazy step, you can submit your website to the search engine using the following page.

Enjoy... ;-)

DualFishNews http://www.learnfromgurus.com


Lesson 5: Content Optimization

Meta Tag optimization is important to rank high on search engine. However, we cannot ignore the importance of content optimization as well.

I will show you some of the key content optimization technique step by step. You won't miss anything ;-)

Step 1: Include Keywords inside Header
Create a few headers in your page and include keywords into the header. Start your page with H1 header and you can make use of some other H2 - H6 sub headers.

Step 2: Include keywords in your contents
When writing your content, try to sprinkle your main keywords thoughout the page. However, don't over do it. Search engine will penalize you if they think you are stuffing too many keywords to cheat the system.

A rule of thumb is include one keyword in every 1 -2 paragraphs. Insert the keywords into your content as natural as possible for easy reading.

Hint & Tip: Make sure to mention your main keyword at the very top left and the very bottom right hand side of the webpage. No many people knows about this secret. A trick you can use is to include this in the copyright information line at the bottom of the website. For our example, this would be a good example:
© 2005 copyright www.domain.com search engine optimization

Step 3: Bold, Italic or Underline your keywords
Bold, italic or underline your keywords can increase the weighting of the words. Search engine robot will treat those bold, italic or underline words as important keywords.

Step 4: Include Alt to your image tag
This is another tip to optimize your contents. Insert 1 or 2 keywords in each Alt tag of your image. Again, this tell the search engine your image is related to your keywords.

You are done with content optimization. Do proof reading of your page, make sure you have enough keywords inside your page.

You can use the free tool to analyse your content:

Make sure your keywords appearing as top 5 most frequently used words.

DualFishNews http://www.learnfromgurus.com


Lesson 4: Meta Tag Optimization

Once you have you keywords ready... here's the secret to share with you about writing your webpages.

First thing that you need to do is to Add a Title within the header section.

Include only main keywords and make it as short and concise as possible. That allows Google to give more weights to the keywords and increase chances of high ranking.

Avoid non keywords related title like "Welcome to my homepage!" "Welcome to my online store"
Avoid lengthy title like "We teach you all the hints and tips how to make search engine optimization simple and easy."
Avoid too many adjectives.

A good title is "Search Engine Optimization SEO Examples & Hints"

Next thing you need to do is to Add a Meta Tag Description within header section.
Change the wordings in italic into 2 to 3 sentenses describing your webpages. It is important to include your keywords into this description. Limit to about 200 characters.

Last step you need to do is to Add a Meta Tag Keyword within header section.
Change the keywords in italic to your keywords. Avoid too many repeated keywords because search engine robot will penalize you. Limit to about 100 characters.

You are done with Meta Tag Optimization. This is a critical step to do before optimizing your page contents.

FREE Tool:
If you are not sure if you have optimized your meta tag. You can upload your webpage to your server and make use of the following free tools to analyse your meta tag.

Once you have completed meta tag optimization. I will discuss further on content optimization next...

Stay Tuned... ;-)


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